The Western District of New York Human Trafficking Task Force Was established in 2006, with a goal to to work with law enforcement & service Providers to help combat Human Trafficking.
OUR Mission
· Combat human trafficking through seamless collaboration between law enforcement and service providers in conducting proactive investigations of any and all allegations of human trafficking
· Use a victim-centered approach in proactively investigating and prosecuting human trafficking crimes; and
· Provide a comprehensive array of high quality, timely and restorative services to all victims of human trafficking; and
· Enhance community capacity to identify and report trafficking crimes by conducting training, raising public awareness and increasing coordinated outreach activities.
· A swift and coordinated criminal justice response to human trafficking in which perpetrators are held accountable and in which the rights of victims of trafficking under New York and federal law are protected;
· A comprehensive network of high-quality services for victims of trafficking that all victims can access as soon as they are identified in the community or by law enforcement; and
· Systematic collaboration between service providers and law enforcement towards the common goal of combating human trafficking in the community.